
PM Stories:
"Episode 18. How NOT to sell at conference"


There is a lot of recommendations, lectures, tutorials, etc. about how to sell. But there is not that much information on how not to sell. If you're looking for this particular kind of content, don’t hesitate to watch our video.

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I have a small translation agency,
and I do not need
a management system


We often hear the above statement from the directors of very small translation companies, which employ up to five managers. Some offices are so small that there is only one project manager in them, and that is the owner. Such companies usually keep track of projects in Excel files or other spreadsheet editors that are generally not suitable for this purpose.

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PM Stories:
"Episode 17. Midnight delivery"


When determining the time that is necessary and convenient for yourself, take into account that it may be such only for you.

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You are a leader,
so do not look behind


We regularly talk to the heads of translation agencies, both in private and at conferences. During these conversations, the thought inevitably pops up: yes, of course it is good to have a translation business management system, but it is difficult to implement, and so it is easier to continue using Excel or Google Spreadsheets. Some people even make do with a physical board, listing the current projects with felt-tip pens.

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PM Stories:
"Episode 16. Hello Totomi"


A tiny mistake made in the past might cost unpleasant moments in the future…

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Managing a translation agency:
The daily routine of an idler


Previously we wrote that in order to effectively manage a company, it is important to find the time to do managerial work. As we have already ascertained, two key ways to increase the amount of free time is to delegate work to subordinates and automate repetitive and routine operations using the various available project and business management systems.

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Time wasting by CEO
of translation company


In our previous article, we talked about how you need to learn how to become a good manager. In other words, this involves a significant time cost. But usually project managers and CEOs simply have very little time.

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PM Stories:
"Episode 15. I edited this text perfectly!"


Hurrah! Finally a promotion, now you are a project manager. But be careful, some professional habits in a new position can be fraught.

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Why is my translation agency
not growing?


Leo Tolstoy claimed: all happy families are alike, while every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. With translation agencies, the situation is quite the opposite: “happy” (i.e., prosperous) agencies most often achieve their prosperity through a variety of methods, while “unhappy” (struggling) agencies are very much alike.

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PM Stories:
"Episode 14. I can find translators myself!"


Do you think finding a translator is easy? Well, you might be right. But what about finding a good translator? If you recognize familiar situation in this video, feel free to like and share it.

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Focus on translation instead of administrative issues

Grow by optimizing your business processes with Protemos



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