You probably noticed the changes in Protemos interface introduced three weeks ago. You are right: we released the new version. Recently we have made some additional changes to the current version, and now we can inform you what we have done.
There are over 60 improvements this time, and here is the short list of major new features:
- Files search. We’ve added a new Files page on which you may search and filter all the files stored in the system. Now you may easily find and delete the files you no longer need. See more details here.
- Contacts search. We’ve added Client contacts and Vendor contacts pages, so you can easily find the person you need. See more details here and here.
- Adding links instead of files. From now on, you may add a link to external file instead of uploading the file to the system. So technically you may store the files outside of Protemos, and still can use them in quotes, projects and jobs. See more details here.
- Tags for clients and vendors. Now you may mark your clients and vendors with special tags that you may create. E.g. “Trados”, “Potential”, “Blacklisted” etc. You may even use these tags to create funnels. More info here and here.
- Create invoice directly from Project Finances tab. If you are issuing separate invoice for each project, now you can do it quicker, as you have Invoice button on Project Finances tab. See more details here.
- New vendor role without access to finances. You may now hide vendor’s finances from vendor by unchecking “Finances visible” in vendor’s profile. In that case vendor will only see jobs without payables, no invoices and payments. Makes sense if you want to pay fixed salary but still track the expenses separately. See more details here.
- TQAuditor integration. We’ve integrated Protemos with TQAuditor, a tool for giving feedbacks to translators and tracking quality of their work. See more details here.
- Agreement with vendors. Now you can embed your standard agreement with your vendors into the system, so they will have to accept it before working with you. See more details here.
- Vendor application. Now the translators who want to work with you may apply via Protemos. You just need to post the vendor application URL on your corporate website or send it to new vendors so that they can submit their applications to you. See more details here.
- Vendor availability. You can see “Availability chart” tab in the profile of each vendor. It shows the diagram of all active vendor’s jobs. See more details here.
- Absolute taxes. Now it is possible to add taxes not only as percentage, but as amounts. It will be helpful if you have to pay some fixed governmental fee on each transaction (e.g. 2 EUR tax stamp in Italy). Details here.
- French and Spanish UI localization added.
- Minor updates and bug fixes. E.g. clients and vendors import upgrade,filters enhancement, accepting vendor jobs directly from email, vendor availability check, margin in percentage for project finances summary etc.
Now we are going to work on the following most frequently asked features:
- Proposing job to multiple candidates
- Client portal
We will keep you posted, stay tuned!