Protemos is dedicated to supporting translation communities making sure TBMS Protemos will always be free for freelance translators. But why?
We live in an interesting time when the world is thoroughly permeated with connections of different levels and directions—professional, cultural, family, friendly, personal,—and the borders seem to be transparent.
Multilingualism has become one of the features of today, and translators act as ubiquitous moderators of social communication whose role goes far beyond the framework of translation industry professional discourse.
The support of translators today means promoting the development of the scientific, technological, and cultural exchange. Day by day, it makes our world safer, more interesting, comfortable, aesthetic, tolerant,—and thus happier!
We believe that by supporting translator communities we contribute to the development of innovative ideas emerging in international interdisciplinary discussions and changing our world for the better. This movement would be impossible without translators.
Translators themselves often take part in international social, scientific, and cultural programs as volunteers bringing progressive international experience in the fields of medicine, emergency rules, human rights, and cultural heritage saving to the Earth’s wounded places where it’s needed most. It is our belief that they deserve fair recognition for their noble efforts.
Translation communities inspire us to connect to other cultures at a time when the world feels more divided than ever. By making connections all across the globe, translators advocate for a more diverse world for all of us. A world where our differences bring us together.
This is why we consider important to support the translation communities, and that is why TBMS Protemos will always be free for freelance translators.
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Discover more about TheOpenMic translators' community.