Here is the short list of new features and improvements:
- Workflows. Now you can build chains of consecutive jobs within project:
Every next job in the chain will be launched automatically after the completion of the previous one, without any action of Project manager. More info can be found here.
- Background colors for projects and jobs. We have added them to give quicker understanding of project or job statuses:
- Protemos API. We have created API, so you can access Protemos database with your own applications. Please see API documentation for more info. You are welcome to test it and suggest new methods. E.g. it is possible to link your site with Protemos and make all requests from clients to be recorded as quotes in Protemos.
- Taxes in quotes. As requested, we have made it possible to include taxes to quotes, so now your clients can see how much you are going to charge them with taxes included. More info here.
- Batch actions for project jobs. Now you may do the same action with several jobs in one click:
More info here
- Improved receivables. E.g. you can change the client in project or quote even if receivables are already entered. Also, if you charge your client per file, you may select the file when you enter receivable. More info here.
- Improved filters for contacts, prices, payments.
- Minor fixes and improvement. It’s quite boring to list them all, but mostly these were done upon your requests.
In next version, we are going to work on client portal, to let your clients log into the system. Stay tuned!
Please watch this short video to get a better idea how the new features work.