We’ve released Protemos version 1.21. Key improvements include:
- Improved financial report per client. Now you can filter it by the project manager, so you can see dynamics and shares of clients serviced by the individual project manager.
- Financial reports per language pairs. Now you can check which language pairs bring you more turnover and profit, and how these volumes change with time.
- German localisation (beta version) added. You can now work in German interface, although it still needs linguistic testing and corrections.
- Russian and Ukrainian localisation (beta version) improved. We’ve fixed major mistakes and now will run another linguistic check.
- Consecutive numbering of projects, invoices, jobs etc. Now your items in each account are numbered consequently (so the new account will have numbers like 0001, 0002, 0003 etc.) We left old numbers for existing projects, so if you need to set new starting points for new numbering, please let us know.
- Minor enhancements e.g. changed the order of fields in New Client form, Remember Me feature for logging in, clickable links in vendors invitations etc.
More improvements to come. Stay tuned!