We have just released version 1.13 of the system. It includes the following improvements and new features requested by you:
- Quotes module added. Quoted can be accepted or rejected by the client. If accepted, they are converted into projects.
- Job cloning. You no longer need to enter many similar jobs in the project manually.
- PO for Vendors. Now system generates PO for each vendor job. When you assign the job, PO in PDF format is sent to the vendor.
- Logo upload. Now companies may upload their logos for documents generation.
- User profile added. Now each user can update the name, email and credentials.
- Account owner now can update own profile too (e.g. change the email or even name)
- Terms of Service and Privacy Policy added.
- List of the languages extended, language variations added
- Numerous minor fixes and improvements. E.g. Note field added to payables and receivables, more digits after decimal, upload documents into vendor/clients profiles, quick creation of multiple language pairs in the system settings etc.
Looking forward for your feedbacks on these updates, and also for the new features suggestions. We are working on the further requests from you, and every your message can change the priority of the development.