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Top (non translation) Technology Trends for 2018


We’ve already taken a look at translation technology trends of 2018, but what about technology in general? Technology is moving at such a pace that we can’t afford to ignore what’s going on outside the translation industry otherwise we’re going to get lost. So, how can we keep up and what do we in the translation industry have to learn to keep ahead?

Internet of things

With everything becoming more internet focussed and even more people using more than one device to stay online, IoT is more important than ever as it not only impacts the way we work, it impacts our life.

Data security and security audits will be big

A number of high-profile data breaches made headlines back in 2017. With clients demanding that their data is kept secure, companies are having to deliver. Security audits are going to be big in 2018, not to mention data management and things like GDPR.

Digital marketing more personal

Digitalization is big. It has the power to break even the biggest brands out there if they’re not willing to keep up and go digital. In order to succeed, digital marketers are going to have to make their campaigns more personal and really work hard to target the right audience across a number of channels, rather than just one or two.

Machine learning is taking over

Machine learning is helping to automate back offices and is expected to be able to do most of the heavy lifting when it comes to small businesses. What once started as an expensive solution only big companies can afford has now become more cost effective, opening it up to small and mid-sized companies.

AI is here to stay

Unlike AR, AI is really making an impact meaning robots/chatbots are going to be seeing a rise in 2018. AI is being integrated into back-end systems to improve user experience, and provide companies with real-time data and business advice.

Data is going to be a company’s biggest asset

Having access to quality data has the potential to make company’s sink or swim. Being able to analyze what your customers are doing will be able to give you insights money can’t buy. Being able to use this data to give your customers what they want will ensure they keep on coming back.

We love talking about all things tech, so if you’d like to have a chat about how things like cloud technology can help your business grow, get in touch. We’d love to hear from you.


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