Premium service

We provide much more than just software solutions—with us, you can look forward to a premium level of service for automating your business. Your questions will be answered not by a soulless robot, but by a real person who will provide you with all the help you need. You won’t be left alone to work out how to use the system—we will give you all the information you need to get started. We will resolve any problems that arise, provide detailed instructions for your team and advice for your company, and explain how to most efficiently use the system.
And no one does this better than us.

Fast implementation

Creating an account in Protemos takes just 5 minutes, and you can learn how to use its basic features in no more than 2 hours. This is the fastest learning curve that you will find on the market. The interface is intuitive even if you have never worked in such systems.
No long training courses—project managers simply need to watch a few short videos, and they will be able to start working in the system on the very first day. Such speed and ease of implementation are vital so that it does not interfere with the day-to-day operations of your company.

We exceed expectations

The Protemos system entered the market in 2016. Other systems such as XTRFPlunetProjetex have been around much longer—for 15–20 years.
We believe that the age of the system is not a disadvantage; in fact, quite the opposite. After all, we need to make extra effort to gain the trust of each and every new user. This means that we can guarantee you more of our time and attention. The last thing we need are dissatisfied customers who could harm our excellent reputation. We’d rather miss out on a customer than sell our system to someone who doesn’t like it. This is why our customers stay with us for many years.

You probably expect us to list all the features of our system. We are more than happy to do this, but you will not see many differences from competing solutions. After all, all of these programs provide translation business management tools. They all have databases and customer and vendor portals, project management and workflow automation functions, are all able to generate invoices and financial reports, and are all integrated with CAT tools.

What is more important is how the features work and how user-friendly they are. But you need to try out the system to see this…